Osmanthus Jelly

Osmanthus Jelly

Commonly enjoyed as a soothing tea, Asian Inspirations show us how osmanthus can also be tasty in this sweet and fragrant yum cha dessert!

Serves: 5-6 people

Cooking time: 15 minutes


  • 3 tbsp osmanthus jam (or 1½ tsp dried osmanthus from Whitehorse Hu Hui Asian Grocer with 3 tbsp honey)
  • 15g goji berries (soaked and drained)
  • 110g rock sugar
  • 30g gelatin powder
  • 600ml water
  • 100ml water (for gelatin powder)


To Prep:

  1. Combine gelatin powder with 100ml water, mix well and set aside.

To Cook:

  1. Pour 600ml water and dried osmanthus, if using, in a pot and bring to boil, then lower to medium heat.
  2. Optional: use a mesh strainer to remove some of the osmanthus for a smoother texture.
  3. Mix in the rehydrated gelatin and stir until dissolved.
  4. Pour in the rock sugar and stir until dissolved.
  5. Add in the goji berries and osmanthus jam or honey. Mix well and remove from heat. Let cool.
  6. Pour into a mould and refrigerate for at least 4 hrs.